Next out of the Nest: Rewriting Adam


Connie Inglis is Siretona's third author "out of the nest" in 2021! Her ebook for Rewriting Adam is now available on all your favourite platforms.

Here are links for three popular ebook vendors:

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Colleen McCubbin

Publisher, Siretona Creative


p.s. The print book is still processing and should be ready by the end of the week.



Hi! I'm Colleen.

📚Founder and Chief Creative Officer in boutique publishing company, Siretona Creative 👩‍🏫We teach and coach 🔤 the ABCs of publishing. 🤝We partner with ✍️committed Authors to produce 📖compelling Books in 🙋‍♀️collaborative Community. 🪶Join our author community: The Book Hatchery.

Read more from Hi! I'm Colleen.

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Siretona Creative

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