New books and launch parties: Ruth, Connie, Jill

Dear friend,

I often talk to authors about the importance of connecting with readers and urge them to send regular newsletters. I love to quote Kelly Roach: "Human connection is your superpower." Unfortunately, sometimes that message is do as I say, not what I do. I'm not the most regular newsletter writer. Life does get in the way, and sometimes we are so engrossed in the thing itself that we forget to tell people about it.

So I'm here to tell you about a couple of things we're doing and I hope you can get in on the celebrations.

Colleen McCubbin

​Siretona Creative​

Ruth Dueck, Treasures Gained in This Land

Online Book Launch: Friday, July 23rd, 7:30 pm CST

When I was a student at Briercrest Christian Academy, College, and Seminary, I thought I was going to be a missionary in Asia. I spent a lot of time hanging around the OMF booth whenever their rep was on campus, and I gladly accepted any free books he or she offered.Ruth Dueck's book brings me full circle. She was an OMF missionary. I did spend a couple of years in Asia doing missions, but mostly I've lived in Canada. This year, I was able to help Ruth publish her memoir in English (she had previously published it in Japanese). I'm so honoured to have done it and so blessed by Ruth and her faithfulness in writing this.

If you're free tomorrow evening, please join us at her book launch. If you're not free, sign up anyhow to get the replay and links to her webpage.

​Celebrate God's Faithfulness with Ruth Dueck (​



Connie Mae Inglis, Rewriting Adam

Online book launch, replay available

Interestingly, Connie is another missionary I published this year. While her book contains some autobiographical elements, it's a novel (fiction) rather than a memoir. The book is at the printer and Connie picked up her printer's proof on Tuesday, just in time for the Zoom party that evening. I'm waiting for my copy to arrive in the mail, but I can see that it's beautiful.

Sign up here for Connie's newsletter and get the event replay:​

Connie is pictured on an archaeological dig as research for her book.

Jill Anderson Cavanagh, If I Had a Sister

Launch date TBA, book available now.

The printer called today. Jill's books are ready to ship! We'll have them in hand next week! We're not sure exactly when we'll throw Jill's launch party -- we're looking at mid-August. Meanwhile, sign up to get a free, early PDF of JIll's book and later you'll get news about her party. I dream of being with her in person for that.

​If I had a Sister (​


We've got a few other books in the pipeline, but I'll save that for another day. Hope to see you soon!


Hi! I'm Colleen.

📚Founder and Chief Creative Officer in boutique publishing company, Siretona Creative 👩‍🏫We teach and coach 🔤 the ABCs of publishing. 🤝We partner with ✍️committed Authors to produce 📖compelling Books in 🙋‍♀️collaborative Community. 🪶Join our author community: The Book Hatchery.

Read more from Hi! I'm Colleen.

Hello! I know I told you that I would take down the replay today, but life happens, so I'm extending it. I don't know about you, but my life has been FULL. (I try not to use the word "busy," because I've chosen 90% of my activities and commitments.) A few days ago I was talking with someone about how not all stress is bad, and that good stress is referred to as "eustress." But even good stress adds up. I went to a women's retreat over the weekend and helped to lead the singing. Then I had a...

Siretona Creative

Dear Reader, The new year is a time of renewal. We reflect on the past and plan for the future. Many people set resolutions. At Siretona Creative, we have wonderful plans for 2024. We will be working with more committed authors to create compelling books and expand our collaborative community. This year is bound to be full of joy. I’m Molly Layton, the Marketing Assistant at Siretona Creative. Today, I want to look at our accomplishments for the year that just ended. This is a sample of all...

Come on a journey this summer ... Hello, I'm dropping by to invite you on a journey this summer. One of our Siretona authors, Marcia Laycock, is hosting A Journaling Pilgrimage this summer, starting with a free meet-and-greet to get to know other traveling companions. Would you join us? You can sign up here to receive your Zoom link. During the pilgrimage, participants will read and write using Marcia's book, Abundant Rain: A Devotional Journal...