What's your publishing path? a conversation + 2 memoirs

Dear author,

It's raining in Calgary, which is a good thing, because we're on water restrictions again. Perhaps you heard about our critical water main break in June? Well, they discovered problems all over that pipe system, so they gave the city a few weeks to get ready for draining the entire length of the pipe to execute a comprehensive water main repair. On the weekend, I bought a couple of rain barrels and filled them. We're trying to reduce our water use in the house. Paper plates anyone?

Meanwhile, there's a lot going on in publishing.


The Conversation about Publishing Paths

The range of options for publishing can be a little dizzying. Should I self-publish? Traditionally publish? Do something in between?

  • I wrote some of my reflections on that it in this blog post​
  • Kathleen Templeton and I are hosting a conversation about it on Thursday evening, August 29th, on Zoom. We want to help authors consider their options and make informed decisions. Sign up here. You'll come away from this session with answers -- or at least better questions!

New Books

This week we've sent two memoirs to the printers. Both of them are partner-published (aka hybrid) through Siretona Creative:

  • ​Valley Girl by Mereline Griffith
    • We're launching Mereline's book on September 7th in Salmon Valley, BC, the backdrop for her childhood stories.
  • ​Go Big by Richard Magnussen ​
    • The print run we've ordered this week is for ARCs (Advance Reader Copies): gifts for family and friends, plus a few copies for potential reviewers. We'll spend a month proofreading, upload corrections, and launch the book at the end of October.
    • We're excited to be marketing this book in partnership with Graf-Martin Communications.


Until next week,

Colleen McCubbin

Founder & CEO, Siretona Creative



Hi! I'm Colleen.

📚Founder and Chief Creative Officer in boutique publishing company, Siretona Creative 👩‍🏫We teach and coach 🔤 the ABCs of publishing. 🤝We partner with ✍️committed Authors to produce 📖compelling Books in 🙋‍♀️collaborative Community. 🪶Join our author community: The Book Hatchery.

Read more from Hi! I'm Colleen.

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Siretona Creative

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